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The mobile Escape Game for at home
Book now in times of Corona crisis and get more than a pastime.
The world is trembling before an unknown enemy and we have the ultimate, family-friendly solution against absolute boredom. As an event planning company, we are currently among the companies that are particularly affected by the Corona crisis. No events, no coaching, no teambuilding and no travel. We took this as an opportunity and created a great family event for which you don't have to leave the house.
What is mobile Escape?
Schaut Euch unser Video mit einigen unserer mehr als 180 Rätselgruppen an:[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Escape the Virus - the special family edition for at home
Games and entertainment for the whole family. We want to help you get through the time of the Corona Virus with entertainment - happiness hormones are known to help strengthen the immune system. With Escape the Virus you will grow even more together as a family. As parents, you can experience how intelligent your children are. Play in teams, against each other or all together for the goal: to stop the virus (at least in the game).
What you get
Wir senden Euch in einem sauber verschlossenen Paket – in einer Aluminium Kiste – Euer Spielepaket bestehend aus verschiedenen Rätsel-, Knobel- und Logikmodulen. Manche bauen aufeinander auf, andere lösen für sich einen Teil in Richtung Gesamtlösung. Ihr erhaltet ein Paket voller spannender Escape Game Module unseres bewährten „Panic Room“ Produktes, womit wir bereits in Singapur und Toronto große Teamevents durchgeführt haben.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text el_class=“blaurahmen“ css=“.vc_custom_1585375085479{margin-bottom: 25px !important;}“]
The Escape Boxes
There are three box sizes, divided into simple "S", "M" and "L" sizes, which differ only in scope and difficulty. It should be noted: the more puzzles, the more difficult. It doesn't matter how many participants there are, since there are different puzzle modules with umpteen different approaches anyway.
- 39 $ Edition S: suitable for families with small children (from approx. 6 years) and a playing time of approx. 45 minutes.
- 49 $ Edition M: suitable for families with budding teens and a playing time of approx. 60 minutes.
- 59 $ Edition L: suitable for families with teens and adults in the household and a playing time of about 90 minutes.
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How does the order work?
You can easily book your game package by filling out the form below on this page. Please note: the booking is only valid when the order is completed and we have sent you the confirmation. Attention: currently limited availability.
How does the box come to you?
Ganz einfach: Wenn Ihr im Raum Euskirchen / Rheinbach / Erftstadt / Swisttal / Weilerswist wohnt, bringen wir Euch das Spielepaket persönlich im Zeitraum von Montag bis Freitag zwischen 10 Uhr und 15 Uhr zu einem festgelegten Zeitpunkt vorbei. Das Paket wird dabei vor Eurer Haustür abgestellt. Der persönliche Kontakt ist dabei gleich null. Es muss sich nur jemand im Haus oder in der Wohnung befinden, der mit der Bestellung vertraut ist. Wir vermerken dann seinen oder ihren Namen in unserem System.[/vc_column_text][vc_gallery interval=“3″ images=“15097,15600,15628,14831″ img_size=“full“ css=“.vc_custom_1584940113864{margin-bottom: -25px !important;}“][vc_column_text css=“.vc_custom_1585027168374{margin-bottom: 25px !important;}“]
How long can you play?
The game itself lasts depending on the package and "skill" 🙂 from 45 minutes. After you have received the package, you have 48 hours (before weekends from Fri - Mon) to play the game. After that we will pick everything up again.
Are there extra editions?
Yes. We have a plethora of puzzles, storylines, and tasks. Get a special discount on your next order by posting a photo of yourself playing the game on Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #stayhomeandplayescape and link it to our Facebook account "Eventagentur b-ceed". You will then receive a whole 10 Euro discount on your next order.
Special features?
Wir verpacken das Spiel hygienisch und gereinigt in der Aluminium Box. Wir nutzen Desinfektionsmittel aus Apotheken und Reformhäusern. Ebenso tragen unsere Mitarbeiter Handschuhe und einen Mundschutz beim Verpacken. Genutzte Spiele, die Retour gehen, werden gereinigt und desinfiziert.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text el_class=“blaurahmen“ css=“.vc_custom_1593685076317{margin-bottom: 25px !important;}“]
Questions? Order?
Call us on 0221-772 67700 and ask us any questions you may have. You can order directly here. We look forward to getting to know you - even if remotely - and wish you lots of fun with "Escape the Virus"[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]