Finally, our outdoor events are starting again - finally, things are easing up for Corona in 2021 and we're noticing that now. As we can still offer you a wealth of exciting and in-house outdoor events, we would like to present three of our best outdoor events in 2021 today. The best thing about the top 3 outdoor company outings is that they may be held at a distance and in compliance with all hygiene rules.
Note: as Corona rules vary from county to county regarding meetings and gatherings, the feasibility and maximum number of people must be clarified in the final step. If necessary, we can divide the group into several teams.
Outdoor Events 2021 - here come three team events by far
1st Ranger Tour through the Eifel
Legends, treasures, myths and legends have always surrounded the region of the northern Eifel and the volcanic Eifel. At our outdoor events in the Eifel, you and your team can enjoy a real cross-country hike through forests, meadows, fields and ... abandoned places. At a distance and in compliance with all hygiene rules, visits to the Vogelsang IP and some abandoned places are possible. In addition, we will welcome you along the way with drinks, snacks and our special hiking guides.
Do you want to get out into nature? Click here for the ranger tour through the Eifel.
Beach Party Deluxe
It's getting warmer, summer is taking off. And the best thing about it: you can experience it again with your team at the best outdoor events. We'll take you to the best beaches in Germany. Whether it's the Rhine, Lake Otto-Maigler or small lakes that no one knows about: our Beach Party Deluxe guarantees pure beach feeling. Including Beach Olympics, barbecue and more. If you want to get that beach feeling and holiday spirit, then the Beach Party Deluxe is the right choice for you. Available throughout Germany, including barbecue, beach Olympics and more.
Do you want to go to the city beach? Click here for the Beach Olympics Beach Party Deluxe.
3rd farm team event "Landlust" with milking cow "b-etty"
Our classic outdoor team event is particularly popular right now. An event on the farm is a great opportunity for you as a team to get out of the (home) office and literally pull together again. With fun farm Olympics, poison tasting, a farm scavenger hunt through the countryside and full catering by b-ceed, this day is guaranteed to be a highlight. And of course, our milking cow "b-etty" must not be missing. Our self-built, venerable wooden cow in true-to-life size will challenge you in the milking competition.
Do you want to go to the farm? Click here for the Farm Outdoor Event Landlust.
Alternatively, our virtual team events may offer the safe platform to experience a team building virtually even in rainy weather or special requirements.