Checklist and tips for the location visit

full service event management b-ceed: tent building, floor laying, carpeting

Have you planned a site inspection? Here's your checklist and tips for your next site inspection. Events need good planning. Site Inspection describes the thorough examination of a venue. Do the conditions suit your event? Does the location meet your requirements? This inspection should definitely be done in time and personally by the customer or organizer ...

event planning company Internship: Report by Anna Lu

event planning company internship - anna lu event management intern at b-ceed

Internship in an event agency - what does it bring me for the future? That's exactly what many young people ask themselves. Here is an experience report from Anna Luisa. Exactly in the most eventful and exhausting time in the event industry, I joined b-ceed as a 3-month intern in the field of event management. I experienced a lot, learned a lot about myself and ...

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event planning company internship: Report by Anna Lu LITE booking
